Alida - Automatic Logging of Process Information in Data Analysis
Alida is a library for automatic documentation of data analysis processes. In Alida each data analysis or manipulation action is realized in terms of an operator that acts on given data to produce desired output data. Operator calls are registered within the framework together with their input and output objects as well as parameters. These data acquired during the analysis process and the order of operator calls form a directed graph datastructure containing all relevant information for later reconstruction or verification of the analysis procedure. Alida allows to make the directed graph datastructure explicit in terms of XML representations which can be visually explored with appropriate graphical frontends like Chipory, or might be stored in data bases for archival purposes.
Licensing information
Alida is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3 or (at your option) any later version as published by the Free Software Foundation.
Current release
You can download Alida version 1.0 here.
You can find the API documentation for this release here.
Furthermore Alida offers you a user and programmer manual you can download here.
Bug reports & Feature requests
Bug reports and feature requests can be submitted via the bugtracking system or by mail to alida@informatik.uni-halle.de.
Before reporting a new bug, please check if that bug has already been submitted in the report list.