On this page you find install instructions for Alida in C++ and in Java.
Coming soon... for the moment please refer to the manual and the README files included in the archives.
The C++ implementation of Alida currently works only on Linux machines. For installing Alida perform the following steps:
- Download the tar or zip archive from the Downloads section of this website.
- Extract the archive to a directory of your choice which we denote by ALIDA_HOME in the following.
- Download Loki, i.e. go to the SourceForge project page and download release 0.1.7 of the Loki library.
- Extract the Loki archive to the folder ALIDA_HOME/external.
Alternatively you can extract it somewhere else and set a link to that directory in ALIDA_HOME/external. - Define an environment variable 'ALIDA_CPP' with the path of your Alida installation, i.e. the path of ALIDA_HOME.
- Enter the directory ALIDA_HOME/src and type 'make'.
- The demo operator and the command line operator runner will be built.
To run the demo operator, enter the directory ALIDA_HOME/src/runner/o.<your-machine> and execute it with
./ALDOpRunner DemoOperator intval=4711 doubleval=0.999999 floatval=0.123 stringval="Alida-Cpp"
Optional: include OpenCV demo operator and provider
To activate the OpenCV demo you need to have the OpenCV available on your system. Install instructions can be found here.
To build the OpenCV related classes of Alida edit the configuration file ALIDA_HOME/src/
On top of the file you find a configuration section which defines three variables:
############################################################################# # user-specific configuration ############################################################################# OPENCV_SUPPORT = no OPENCV_INCLUDE = /usr/include OPENCV_LIB = /usr/lib
Change the value of OPENCV_SUPPORT to 'yes' and set include and library path variables according to your OpenCV installation.
Afterwards rebuild Alida by running 'make clean all'. The OpenCV demo operator can be run with
./ALDOpRunner DemoOperatorOpenCV inputImg=<example_image> sigma=151